Thursday, December 30, 2010

End of 2010

I can hardly believe that tomorrow is the 31st of December, but it is. I got to work today but have tomorrow off and am so grateful. I turned 45 yesterday and just writing that number is a bit of a reality check as it sounds older than I feel for sure. It was a great day for me, as my kids treated me well and as always so did Bob. We spent a good part of the day at the hospital doing a VCUG test for Ashlee to find out if she has reflux and she does, along with some other kidney issues. We find out more on Tuesday as far as how bad it is. She was a trooper and they knocked her out so she had no clue what happened, which is the way we wanted it after watching poor Nathan go through the same thing at this same age for the exact same thing. Bob took me to Bob's steak and chop house (he won a gift card there from work for $100) it was very good food, but the company was even better. We then went to the movie True Grit, a western and it was pretty good. I came home and Nate had bought me a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake for my birthday, it was so good. Overall I had a fantastic day. I didn't get one card on my actual birthday, but got three today and one of which was from Michael that made my day. Our Christmas was equally as nice and though Michael was gone we all enjoyed being able to visit with him on the phone. Kaley and Steven both got a little emotional but loved talking to him as well. The best part is he will be home next year for Christmas and I will have all of my kids here for one more year, as Nate will leave not to long after that for his mission. It is weird to see my kids growing up and moving on, but I am so proud of each and every one and its fun to see them become adults. I am most of all thankful for the Savior and that we have a holiday to celebrate his birth and all that he did for each one of us. What a special time of the year. I know that as the new year comes I have many things to improve on but plan to take each one at a time so I can accomplish as many as I can. How grateful I truly am for all of my family, the Thompson's and the Mansell's, for all of my friends who feel like family and for all the blessings we get daily from a Heavenly Father who loves each of his children. Happy New Year, hope its a good one for everyone!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas 2010

It is another year and I can hardly believe it is already that time. I think I am nearly done with all of the shopping. I have some little things to get, but very easy things. It is in the mid seventies today here in Allen and it doesn't really feel like Christmas to me! I also am working right up until Christmas and so that makes it not seem normal for me as well. We had a ton of sick kids at the office today and I am in hopes I don't bring anything home either. We were able to have Bob's mom here last week and that was nice. We skyped my parents last night and they are in the 90's year round so understand the whole not feeling like Christmas thing. They are getting closer to being home and we are all glad here. This is our last Christmas without Michael and that is also good. He is doing very well and has three baptisms planned for Christmas. We are of course the most grateful at this time of year for our Savior, Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for each and every one of us. What a glorious day it must have been when he was born and all realized what a great day that truly was. I am grateful for all of my family, but especially Bob and the great husband and father he is. Merry Christmas, I hope we all remember the true meaning of what we are really celebrating. Love to you all!

Friday, December 3, 2010


I can hardly believe we are already into December. Where did November go? Our tree is up and our house is decorated for Christmas. I got the kids picture taken for the cards to go out and even got those printed as well. I just need to address them and get them in the mail. I work every day except for Christmas Eve so have to get everything done at night or on Tuesdays. It is a lot to do, but its good. Michael hit his one year mark yesterday on December 2nd. I sent him a "hump day" package with a camel in it and it says, "Your half way there, now endure to the end." He is in his new area at the USU campus and apparently they have had a fair amount of snow, but we were 73 degrees here today, December 3rd, crazy. It is supposed to get colder tomorrow but it makes it hard to get in the mood for the Holiday's when it is so warm (as I am sure my parents can relate too). A lot to do, but great memories for this time of year. Now that I am a parent I understand why you get a little more stressed around the holidays, but it is all worth it when you see the kids faces on Christmas morning. Well the countdown is on until Christmas......only 22 days left. Good luck with all that everyone has to get done.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

It is hard to believe that another Thanksgiving has come and gone. I am enjoying having the last two days off of work to spend with my family. We had a nice thanksgiving dinner and watched the movie "Christmas Vacation." It always gets me in the mood for the holiday season. While I am so very grateful for all of my blessings, I must admit there was a longing to have my oldest home on the day that families are supposed to be together. He was transferred to Logan and I hope he is able to stay warm and was well fed, he only got to his new area on Tuesday so likely didn't know anyone to feed him, but I am in hopes some members there took good care of him. He is coming up on his one year mark, in fact we were on an airplane one year ago Thanksgiving flying to Utah to make sure we could get him to the MTC on time. He went in on December 2nd. I am very thankful for him and the fact that he was willing to go and serve a mission. I am very thankful for all of the missionaries out there who dedicate 18 months or 2 years in service to help share the message we feel so lucky to have in our lives. I love my husband and all five of my kids. I am a very blessed person. I love both Bob's family and of course my own. I have so many good examples on both sides and am amazed that I am lucky enough to be a part of each family. Most of all I am thankful for my Savior and all he did and does do for me and my family, what better example could any of us have? I hope to be more Christlike today and always. I hope you all had a great thanksgiving and are as lucky as me to have such wonderful people to be related to and celebrate these great occasions with. Happy Thanksgiving 2010!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 2010

A lot going on in our lives in the last couple of weeks. I started my new job and am quickly coming up to speed on it and feel like I contribute a lot. It has been hard on my house being gone for four days a week but Bob and the kids have sure stepped up to help out. Like always our furnace for the downstairs went out when it got cold last week but Bob was able to fix the part after watching the guy do the same thing when the lightning hit our house and we had to get them both fixed. I am grateful he is more talented than me in these things. The Lincoln is starting to act up and we really need that extra car with me being gone so early in the morning and getting home so late at night. I know it will all work out though, as it always seems to. It is already getting close to Thanksgiving and that seems crazy as a year ago we were on a plane with Michael to go to Utah so he would for sure get there for his MTC arrival on December 2nd. Time has gone really quickly for us here. Halloween came and went, Steven was Darth Vader and Ashlee was a "pretty" witch and we went to the Trunk or Treat which was a bust as we arrived at the time they said it would be and all the candy was mostly gone. I didn't feel bad, but did for the kids. Steven and Kaley are both full on into Basketball and Steven is enjoying the practices before the season starts. Kaley is the starting point guard for the 8th grade team at her school and loves it. She starts her season on the 18th. Bob and I are keeping busy with both working and then all of the kids extra activities going on. I can hardly believe that Christmas is next month, where did the year go? I have a lot to do, I know that for sure. It is hard with one day off to get everything done I need to and our weekends are so packed its even harder to get things done then as well. I like to spend time with the kids on the weekends since I don't see much of them during the week. I got to bed by 11 and am up at 6 every day. It makes for a long day. Well I just thought I would take a minute to catch you all up. Michael is doing well and having success in Farr West. He had three baptisms for last week and was pretty happy about that as he had a bit of a dry spell for a while. I know he is working hard and he sent home some pictures (finally) and he looks so grown up, its amazing what changes when your not around them for a while. A lot of people say he looks like Bob now. I think he looks like an older Michael but I am sure he has a lot of his dad in him as well. We all miss him, especially since he was here this time last year. Well Happy Fall and Happy November. I know Bryan has a birthday coming up on the 14th, time sure flies. I will write more later. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October already???

Yes it is true, we are already half way through October. I can't believe we are almost to Halloween and then Thanksgiving and then Christmas. My brother, Chris and his wife, Jannie just had a new little girl added to their family on October 3. Her name I Eliza and she is just adorable. I didn't get to see her when we went to Washington D.C. as she was born the day we had planned to see Chris and Jannie and of course they were a little busy that day. I am sure I will see her someday. Michael was super excited to have a new little cousin and is anxious to meet her as are all of my kids. I am so glad to be a mom to five wonderful kids and know soon enough I will have my own little grand kids running around and I will love it. We enjoyed our time in D.C. checking out all of the history that is so prevalent in that great city. We especially enjoyed the Ford Theater and seeing Lincoln's actual clothes he was wearing the night he was shot and the gun that shot him, it was a lot smaller than we expected. The Holocaust museum was very humbling and its amazing anyone could ever say that tragedy never happened, the proof is there and then some. I am amazed at the Spirit of those great men and women that put up with everything because of their beliefs in who they were and what they believed. I wonder if I would be strong enough to stand up for what I believe. I am so grateful for what so many of us take for granted when it comes to our freedom of religion. I love our country so much and am so grateful to the founding father's for all they did to ensure our freedoms. I hope my kids will remember all the great things they were able to see and do. I will have Michael and Nathan go next year sometime so they to can enjoy all we were able to see and do.

I started a new job yesterday and then had today off. I am a receptionist at a pediatrician's office in Plano, Texas. I work four days a week from 8-5 but am excited to be able to do more to help out our family. I think it will be a great place to work and I will be appreciated and paid for it as well. I am excited to have a new opportunity and hopefully this will help me to decide what direction I want to go while I am still able to work and help out. I realize how much Bob does going to work everyday and how lucky I am to have a husband who has done all he can to support us for so many years so I could be home with my kids during critical times. I am so grateful for older kids who will help teach and care for my younger kids so I can work. I realize as an adult all the sacrifices my own mom made for me and my siblings by working and being a full time mom as well. It surely takes a special person and family to be able to do both. Hopefully I can do as good as balancing as what she was able to do for me as a kid. Conference was very much needed and loved as it always is for me. I am grateful for modern revelation that we are so blessed to have to help us to make the decisions we need to make every day in an ever increasing world of unhappiness and unrest, we are so lucky to have leaders to lead us. Lots on my mind right now, but how grateful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ that teaches us everything we need to know to return to our Heavenly Father and be with our families forever. After all the older I get the more I realize how important your family is, the most important thing and relationships you will ever have. We are truly blessed. Happy October, only a few weeks to go. I will update more later, if I haven't bored you enough as it is.....Love to the new niece, can't wait to meet you! Love to the missionary who has been out for nearly 11 months, where has the time gone? Only one more Christmas and he will be home, yippee!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael----Elder Mansell

Yes, you are right, today is Michael's 20th birthday. I can still remember the day he was born, there was a BYU game on and the Dr. and Bob were more interested in that than the fact that I was having a baby, so I prayed they would lose and lose they did. Don't mess with a lady having a baby! Michael was a great baby, hardly ever cried and was super obedient. He has grown up to be a very handsome young man. We are so proud of him serving a mission and grateful for the ten months he has already served. One more birthday and he will be home with us to celebrate the next one. I sent him a package and wrote Happy Birthday..September 29th in hopes the office would make sure he got it on time and he told me today he has it and can't wait to open it tomorrow. He is truly a good young man. We can't for one minute imagine our lives without him in it and though there is a hole in our family right now, know it will be filled in a few short months again. I wish I could sneak in and see his face as he opens his gifts, but I will have to imagine the faces and comments from here. I love you Michael and hope you have a wonderful birthday, you are never far from our thoughts and are always in our hearts. We love you and will miss you on your special day. Happy Birthday!! Love you, Mom

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


That is right you read that right, after a long struggle with Nate being "too old" to get his eagle, he finally got it. He had his Board of Review tonight and passed with flying colors. I am so proud of him and know that one day he will be so glad he finished it. He had all done but the project and some paperwork when we moved here and he took baby items to the Alley House in Dallas which is a home for teenage pregnant girls. They were so grateful and said they had never received so much stuff in one donation. I was proud of him and so glad he saw it through to the end. He really is an amazing young man and one that his parents and his Heavenly Father can be so proud of. He will be a great missionary in a year from February and that will come all too soon. Michael is doing well on his mission and was made a Trainer and seems to be enjoying it a lot. He said he has a very obedient companion, which makes it really easy for him. Bob reminded him to have fun and he seems to be doing that as well. He is able to golf on p-days and has been doing that with investigators as well, so always the missionary. All my kids are great. Ashlee has been sick but is doing better finally. Our air conditioner went out in our upstairs, more missionary blessings. I just remind myself that means Michael is very much needed right where he is........and our "blessings" will come-----eventually :) Good job Nathan---we are so proud.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day 2010

It is so great to have a three day holiday. We were totally lazy today and just hung out together. That is my idea of a great day anytime though. I was at the Dr.'s on Saturday but got an antibiotic and some steroids and seem to be feeling a lot better. Not quite up to my usual self but that is okay, better than the way I was feeling. I have to give credit to Bob for making me go in, I feel like its such a waste of money and time, but he was right this time. My sister is so lucky as her kids will be starting school tomorrow in Washington D.C. We are on our third week here in Texas, but that is okay. Bob has been helping Nathan all day with his new sub and amp that he put into the Lincoln, you hear him coming before you ever see him, but that is apparently the thing to have here in Allen. Not much else going on, they made Michael a trainer and he got his new companion last week, so we will hear how this week went tomorrow sometime. He is already training an Elder who is Homebound, he goes home to sleep at night, he is a schitsophrenic (sp) so Michael is technically training two Elders. He will do well I am sure. I think he might have some of the luck I had as a missionary though, "we think you would do well with this sister etc." I know he will do well and it is I am sure preparing him for the future. Well I hope all of you all had a great holiday out there. Maybe next time I will have something more interesting to post.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary THOMPSONS

Today is the 49th Anniversary of John and Mary Thompson. Why is that so significant to me? Well for starters I would not be here without them and so am very glad they met on a blind date many years ago and were married in the Los Angeles temple. They are currently in Indonesia serving a mission which is great. We are glad they will be home next year so we can celebrate their 50th with them, hopefully with all the family together. They are a great example to me and my kids of enduring to the end and doing it with a positive attitude. They fit together and one would certainly be lost without the other. I hope that Bob and I end up being the same way, in another 28 years from now. This a a milestone for any couple, but what a great example of keeping covenants and loving the person you marry forever. Just wanted to say, Happy Anniversary mom and dad, we all Love you! Have a great day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School 2010

First day of school 2010. Nate is more than ready for his SENIOR year, Kaley is excited for 8th grade and finally the oldest in the school again for one more year. Steven is ready for 5th grade and already had P.E. so had a great day. Ashlee is in first grade and came home with a sticker, she was good today, so we are off to a good start. Seminary doesn't start until next week, so Nate can sleep in for a few more days. It was 107 degrees here today and over 21 days of over a hundred degrees so a very HOT August. Michael has been out for nine months, so a lot going on in our house.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

School starts tomorrow!

I can't believe that school is already going to start tomorrow. It seems like the kids just got out and were talking of plans of what they wanted to do this summer. They ended up going to Six Flags on Friday and had a blast. I worked most of the summer so didn't get to do much, but we did have fun when I wasn't working. Kaley and Steven came to work with me a couple of times and it was fun to have them there. Nate was very good to bring me lunch when he wanted to get out of the house. All the kids have new shoes and at least one outfit for the first day of school. Nate and Kaley are excited to be the "older" ones in the school this year. Steven is excited his good friend will be in his class, with his new teacher whose name is Miss Duck :) Ashlee has a teacher who looks brand new so will have her work cut out for her with Ashlee, who is a chatty natty. We went to seminary orientation for Nate and I am so grateful to have been raised in UT. where we didn't have to get up and be in seminary at 6 a.m. It shows me even more how much more valiant the kids of today are than my generation. They come stronger and are more prepared to stand up to the hard things that are thrown at him that I never had to worry about. Nate got the same two teachers that Michael had and was thrilled. Just a shout out to my cute nephew that turned TWO yesterday and my sister-in-law Cindi who also had a birthday yesterday. Well a lot going on tomorrow with the first day and all......will write more later.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August already!!

We are already nearly half way through August and in Texas we have had eleven days at or over one hundred degrees! With the heat index we are a good five degrees hotter than that every day. Today was a balmy 104 outside. You go outside and instantly sweat. It has been interesting ever since Michael left on his mission, lots has gone wrong. I know he is a very valuable missionary for Satan to work so hard on our family while he is out serving. Just a recap of last week to give you an idea of how things have gone for the past eight months. Bob got a flat tire on his way home from work, of course we had to get a new tire. The guy said it looked like he ran over a razor blade, yippee. Then our computer totally crashed and we had to go and get a new hard drive. We took Ashlee to the Dr. and it looks like she has the same reflux that Nate had and will probably have to have surgery. Bob got a ticket a block from our house for an expired safety inspection (we were waiting for payday). I got the same ticket last month and it cost me $102, not counting what the inspection itself was. We love Allen police by the way. That is just a couple of the things from last week. I gave up keeping track as its too depressing to see all that goes wrong on a weekly basis, plus the Lord definately gives us "tender mercies" that help us to get through all the stuff we are going through. Anyway, lots of fun here for sure. I am ever grateful for Michael and his example through this whole thing. He has two baptisms this saturday, one a ninety year old and one a twenty year old. He has eight baptisms planned for this month already and is pretty excited. He really is an amazing young man. We have and continue to receive several letters from people where he has served thanking us for the person he is and the Spirit he brings into their homes. Michael has always had that and came with it to our family, but it sure helps when things go wrong, as they seem to all the time lately. If the church wasn't true this would all be a big joke, but since it is we endure and try to do it with faith and as patiently as we can. We are sure proud of all of our kids and especially Michael for the good example he is setting for the others. Nate went to EFY and had an amazing time and feels it should be a requirement for all youth to go to. I am glad it helped him, he has a whole new attitude/outlook since he has been home. Well less than two weeks before school starts. I will have a senior, 8th grader, 5th grader and first grader, should be a fun year!! What a ride......

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pioneer Day

Even though we are no longer in Utah, it is always Pioneer Day on July 24th no matter where we live. Being a member of the church makes you appreciate this day even more. Last year we had a family reunion for the Thompson side and it was so much fun. We stayed in Jannie's grandparents place in Southern Utah. It was so great to have everyone there, kids, aunts and uncles, grandparents and in-laws that are taylor fit for our family. Good memories and good times were had by all. Ashlee got a metal swing in the face, but like a trooper was back playing not long after. Speaking of the "princess," she turned SIX on Thursday. All she wanted was the Princess Tiana dress-up dress from the movie, "The Princess and the Frog." Every sibling got her a present (there are advantages to being the youngest). She got to see Grandpa and Grandma Thompson on skype, but was anxious to let them get back to there mission so she could hurry and open her presents :) She has been a joy to have in our home. She is very energetic and when her Primary teachers took her out for ice cream they told me she never stops talking.....that I knew. She sings ALL the time and is happy most of the time. She talks like a teenager (part of having older brothers and sister) and at Target the other day Kaley was looking at purses and Ashlee picked one up and said, "This purse is so last year." Kaley and I died laughing as it was the right thing to say, but not from a six year old. She will ever keep us guessing but we are glad she is part of our family. Hopefully she will keep us young, but may age us even more :) Well, I am off to bed. A long day of work, so Sunday will be a nice break. Happy Pioneer Day to everyone.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday in July

It has been a long month for us and yet is going very quickly. The kids are enjoying swimming in the pool and hanging out at home. I am gone a lot with work but love when I am here. I have a lot coming up, Ashlee's birthday, EFY for Nate, school starting, summer ending before you know it and then it will be that wonderful time of the year (Christmas). We are probably driving to Utah for a vacation and to see friends and family. We miss the mountains and being around all of the people we love and miss. Hopefully we will go sooner than later. Hope your enjoying your Sunday, we are. We love the time to be together as a family and relax without having to be somewhere or do something. Have a great July, its nearly over :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Kaley---13 years old

Today is Kaley's 13th birthday. It was just thirteen short years ago that I found out I was FINALLY going to have a girl and I couldn't wait. She was a week early and weighed in at 9lbs. 2oz. and was 22 inches long. She was long and thin and very pink, which was a change from my boys being blue when they each arrived, late of course. I am so lucky to have such a kind, soft-spoken young lady. She is already 5' 2" and a quarter tall and still growing. She has grown over two inches in the last six months. She will be entering the 8th grade and I can't believe how fast it has gone. She loves to cook and is very artistic. She has such a kind heart and always thinks of others. I know the boys rely on her when I am not here and she is definately a second mom to our little Miss Ashlee. She is amazing at all sports, but especially soccer, basketball and track. I think she would be good at whatever she set her mind too. She is a great mix of doing whatever the boys can do and also loves being girly as well. She reads her scriptures on her own every day and its fun to see her testimony growing everyday as well. I am so grateful she came to our home and I can't imagine what it would be like without her here. I will try to post a picture of her so you can see what a beautiful young woman she is turning into. What a lucky mom I am to have such wonderful children. I understand the scripture now more than ever that talks about having "joy in your posterity." I am so proud of all my kids but today am so proud and grateful for you Kaley for the wonderful person you are and are turning into. I love you very much!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day Off----Happy Birthday to Ewan

We finally have a day off as a family. It is just nice to hang out with everyone and not have to be anywhere. We are enjoying each others company and eating good food. I wish every day this summer would be the same way, but not possible. Nate is at work for some of the day so not quite the same. How grateful I am for the men and women who serve this country in the armed forces so we can enjoy our freedoms, I realize they don't come for free and at a huge personal sacrifice to a lot of families---Thank you so much. Well the peace and quiet didn't last long around my house, lots of little fighting going on over things that don't matter (of course). Oh well, Happy holiday and a very Happy Birthday to Ewan!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Brand New

I am brand new at this and am not sure if this will go well. I love to read other blogs and think it is a wonderful way to remember things that otherwise would be forgotten. I can hardly believe it is already JULY. The summer is already going by very quickly. For the fourth we of course will be in church, but will be remembering how lucky we are to live in a country where we are able to worship how, when or what we may. I am grateful to be an American and all that it stands for. Michael is enjoying his mission in Idaho right now, we miss him at every holiday but are so grateful for his example to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Well, hopefully I will get the hang of this and post more than less. Hope its enjoyable to any and all who read it.