Saturday, February 26, 2011

End of February??

Another month has almost passed and how behind am I? Since I last wrote the kids ended up with five total snow days, four in a row because of ice. I ended up spending two days in the hospital as they thought I had a TIA, or a mild stroke. Since then I have had a migraine that sent me to the Dr. as my pupils wouldn't respond to light and I lost my vision. Two weeks ago on Nates' 18th birthday Bob's cousin Wendy and her eight year old daughter were killed in a head on collision on highway 6 coming out of the canyon on the way to Tillamook, Oregon. We flew out for the funeral and were the only ones representing Bob's family besides his mom and dad. It took quite a lot for us to get there as Bob had to get a space only available seat for he and I. It works like a regular ticket but you can still lose your seat. It took all day to fly there and the funeral was on the next day late afternoon and then another full day of flying and we were both back at work on Friday. I ended up getting shingles, which is my third time, the first time was when I was nineteen. I found out I am low on Vitamin B12 and that can cause a lot of the problems I have so am now getting injections for that. Ashlee has had croup this week and Nate turned up very sick and is now on an antibiotic and finally feeling better. I celebrated our 22nd anniversary on Thursday. Bob took me out to lunch, a movie and dinner. He got me a great card and it was nice to just spend the day with him. Michael is still in Logan and training for the third time. He seems to be doing well, but is getting worn out physically, which I can relate to. Work has been coming along, but continues to be a major stress in my life up to now. I am not sure if it is adding to my health problems but am certain it is causing some of them. We are ever working at trying to stay ahead and get ahead, but that is always the goal in life. I feel very grateful for all of my blessings, though I occasionally ask myself why so many of the same issues all the time, but I must really need to learn something or I wouldn't keep having them right? I know more now than ever how important your health is and we are certainly not in control of anything. I have wonderful kids who keep me ever humble at just how valiant they truly are. I know I don't have much time left with Nathan before he will go on his mission and that is good and bad. I am glad we have a new Bishop and he seems to really care about the youth, which is also a great blessing. I can hardly believe all that has happened or that we are nearly three months into the year 2011, where has the time gone. Well I think that is a huge update for now. I will certainly try to do better. Happy March, its almost here.