Monday, May 23, 2011

Graduation Week

That is right, Nathan will be graduating from high school on Saturday. He will then be graduating from Seminary the next night on Sunday. I can hardly believe I will have two kids out of school or at least public school. It is crazy that time goes by so quickly. I know there were times when they were little that I wondered if they would ever grow up, be careful what you wish for. Nate is probably my biggest homebody of all of my kids. That is not a bad thing, as I was the same way. I know where he is and what he is doing and trust him. I am super proud of the fine young man he has turned into and am grateful for all that he adds to our family. His next step is working, taking a few classes at the collin county college and getting ready for his two year mission. Just as one comes home (December 8th) another one will be getting ready to leave a couple of months later. At least they will have a little time to spend with each other before their lives change even more. It has been a busy month and we are nearly into the sixth month of the year, did that go really fast or is it just me? My mom and dad are home from their mission to Indonesia and the kids are super excited to see them. They were trying to surprise Nate for his graduation but he was so disappointed that I helped my dad see it would be better to tell him than to make him wait. He was so happy!!! This month Kaley got on her top braces and her teeth are already straighter. Before we could do that we had to have four teeth pulled and that was painful but it is overwith thank heavens. She is such a trooper. She has been babysitting and is enjoying having her own money. The kids love her and she is super fun and patient, after all she has been Ashlee's second mom for as long as either of them can remember. Steven has signed up for football and is super excited to be doing a different sport. He went to Sky Ranch with Bob and loved it and was recruited there by a dad who is a coach after he saw how fast he runs and how good he is at catching the ball. I am not sure it this is the sport he will settle into but its good to have a rounded perspective. Ashlee is doing well and loves school. She will need a little extra work this summer but we hope to have her back where she needs to be. She still acts like a teenager and some of what comes out of her mouth you have a hard time believing is from a six year old. Michael is doing well on his mission, he is 2/3rds of the way done and is learning a lot from being a Zone Leader. He is over two stakes and a lot of missionaries. It will be good for him later in life to have these experiences, though many are not easy. I am busy with work and trying to stay organized, a lot to handle. I am glad for the family coming this week but feel bad we don't have more room but its a free trip for the parents and a free place to stay, that is the nice part about working for an airline. I can only imagine with all the traveling Bob's parents do it would be into the thousands every month if they were having to pay for it and probably similar for my parents in buddy passes. I am glad they can use them, otherwise why work there? We definitely don't use the free flights to our advantage, the last time I flew was out to see my sister with the kids and Bob and before that over a year. That is what happens when you are working and need to go to places that are free for you as well. I really think its neat that we are able to help our parents out as much as we do and hope they feel the same. Anyway, it will be a good week and of course the focus is on Nathan and we are super proud of him and all he has accomplished, I never once had to get him up for seminary that starts at 6 a.m. and that is really saying a lot! Way to go Nate, we are honored to be your parents and I am ever grateful you came to our home. Congratulations on all you have accomplished!!! Nate the GREAT! Love you.